Double Your Referrals
Survey At Firm
Lay the Foundation Before the Deal Goes Firm
Start building trust the minute you meet a potential client. Explain what makes you unique. Commit to providing exceptional service they'll want to recommend to others.
Overdeliver. Do things right the first time. Eliminate surprises.
When the Deal Goes Firm -
- Remind each client that they're your #1 priority.
- Tell them how much you value their feedback.
- Send survey invitations to everyone on the deal [include partners].
Service Alert
Change your security settings to receive alerts.
Click the link to see your most recent survey.

Inspire Your Fans
7 Days After Surveying - Pick Up the Phone
Call everyone -
- Thank clients who completed the survey.
- For those who didn't respond, find out why.
- Make things right if a client has an issue.
When a firm offer is accepted, send a congratulatory handwritten note.
Survey Archive
Stars show which clients are your greatest fans.

Ask Fans For Their Endorsement
Remind them that your reputation is built on their support. Ask for permission to share their stories. Ask if they’ll act as a reference with prospective clients.
Fact: Agents who give referrals get more referrals. Send business to your clients. Become a trusted referral source when your clients need help [legal, construction, moving etc.].
Spread The Word
Give Fans Something to Talk About
Doing a good job isn't enough - it's expected. Do something remarkable so you're the subject of conversation.
- Fix a problem - and don't charge for it.
- Look different - wear a name badge all the time.
- Toss in something extra - like window cleaning.
- Share news your clients can use.
- Show friendship - dinner for 4 at your favorite restaurant.
- Be visible - send a balloon bouquet to their office.
Survey Results
Survey responses tell you what clients like best about you and the service you provide.

Have a Story That's Easy to Share
Produce a shareable What I Do| Why Me package. Your positioning is critical. Answer the question.
You should hire me because. . .
- I am the authority on [loft conversions]
- I specialize in [country properties]
- I work exclusively with [seniors]
- I have a unique [marketing process]
- I give exceptional advice on [downsizing]
- I guarantee [your sale]
Publish Testimonials
Publish Everywhere to Build Your Reputation
Add them to your email signature, listing presentations and web profiles on your personal, brokerage, franchise and industry sites.

Screensave, copy and paste the testimonial stamp on all your print and digital marketing materials.

Post Reviews on Your Website Profiles
When your brokerage activates website publishing, a blue Publish button will appear on every completed survey.
Click the button and when it turns green, your 5 Star reviews appear on the websites authorized by your brokerage.

Share Reviews on Social Media
Once deals close, ask each of your centers of influence to post a review from their account to your Google or other review sites.
To make it easy, provide them with a copy of their testimonial in your email request